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What is Compassion?

What is Compassion? Compassion can be defined as the feeling or expression of empathy and concern for others. It signifies 'to suffer together.' It is the emotion that arises when you encounter someone else's suffering and feel driven to alleviate it. 

For compassion to 'flow,' merely 'feeling' it is insufficient; we must cultivate our ability to 'express' or 'reveal' it in a manner that those who seek and need it can recognize, receive, and use it for healing. For compassion to flow, there must be a willing Giver and a willing Receiver. In the presence of free will, unless both parties are willing, the flow will be obstructed. And unless we recognize that there is always a Higher Source of Compassion, our compassion will remain limited. If we do not continually empty our cups, what remains will stagnate and lead to disease. Wherever there is a blockage to flow, there will be disease and illness. So, what is a True Doctor, if not a willing physical vessel for the flow of Higher Compassion? What is a Patient if not a willing physical recipient of Higher Compassion? Who is the True Giver of compassion to the givers of compassion? Who are the givers of compassion to the receivers of compassion? Who are the receivers of compassion from those who Give? Who is the True Receiver of compassion from within those who receive? What is the Higher Purpose of Compassion within medicine if not to help reveal the True Source of Giving and Receiving to all givers and receivers, to uncover the receiver within the giver and the giver within the receiver? Are the Giver and Receiver not different aspects of the same Being?

Why is compassion important?

‘Compassion IS MEDICINE’, and it plays a significant role in healing for both the giver and the recipient. When the patient improves, the healer also experiences improvement. 


So anyone who is capable of healing through compassion is a Healer.


Healers may not always have the answers, but simply listening to the patient and demonstrating care and a willingness to help is a crucial part of the healing process. The act of 'Giving' through compassion also heals the healer when they are open to receiving compassion from a Higher Source. The act of 'Receiving' compassion from the patient is healing when they recognize that the healer is merely a conduit for Higher Compassion. They can then use this healing to its fullest potential by understanding that the higher purpose of their healing is to continue helping others. When the healer acknowledges the patient within themselves, and the patient recognizes the healer within themselves, and when we begin to see the healer and patient within each of us, we start fulfilling our Higher Purpose by recognizing our Creator within us all and using our unique blessings, gifts, and talents to support one another. This continues the healing process for all humanity. Our increased awareness of the Oneness of humanity, despite our diversity, will enhance our emotional state collectively and individually, helping us heal from anxieties, depression, feelings of low self-worth, hopelessness, fears, sorrows, and negativity. This improvement in mental health will manifest as an enhanced overall sense of physical wellbeing and reduce our perception of pain and suffering by the Will of our Creator. 

How can compassion help us?

Compassion serves as a healing force, essential to our identity and well-being. It connects us to our true selves and enables us to positively impact humanity.

What defines 'Medicine?' Traditionally, medicine is seen as a method or substance for preventing and treating diseases. While we often associate it with physical forms like pills and injections, I encourage a deeper perspective. Physical treatments play a role in life preservation, but do they address the root causes of illness? Can they truly heal spiritual or mental ailments, or do they merely mask symptoms? It's time to move beyond a purely physical understanding of medicine and seek healing from within. This inner healing, rooted in compassion and selflessness, is freely accessible and offers lasting relief from spiritual, emotional, and physical suffering.

What is Well-Being? Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being are interconnected. Many doctors now recognize the importance of addressing non-physical needs alongside physical ones. True healing requires balance among these aspects. The soul, a divine breath of life, connects the physical and spiritual realms. To achieve inner healing, we must prioritize soul healing through compassion and recognise that we are more than just our bodies. Studies show that practices like prayer, meditation, and self-reflection enhance well-being and relationships. Therefore, we should view medicine not just as physical treatments but as a broader concept accessible to all who engage in self-reflection and character development.

What causes a block in the flow of Compassion?


To understand this better, let's examine the root causes of breakdowns in any Giver-Receiver Relationship—be it a parent-child relationship, a teacher-student relationship, a sibling relationship, a marital relationship, a business relationship, a friendship, the relationship between our Creator and creation, or the relationship between our Higher Self and our lower self. Both internal factors within our control and external factors beyond our control can affect our perception of compassion's flow in our relationships.


External causes perceived as beyond our control may include one side's unwillingness to participate, lack of resources for basic needs, or destructive external forces driven by ego, greed, envy, lust, sloth, fears, sorrow, anger, vengeance, etc. Let's focus on the internal causes we are more likely to control: What are the crucial human character traits needed to maintain a healthy Giver/Receiver relationship? What are the essential ingredients required to heal our relationships? Is it not respect, compassion, unconditional love, acts of loving kindness, justice? Is it not forgiveness, gratitude, joy, hope, commitment, loyalty, patience, perseverance, humility, courage, truthfulness/honesty/integrity/trustworthiness? Are these not examples of the paths to Peace that we can each take responsibility for refining, to help mend and unite the broken pieces that divide and weaken our One body, spirit, and soul?


Could it be that all our physical symptoms of illness and perceived 'lack' in the physical realm are merely manifestations of our spiritual 'lack' in these essential human traits, whether individually or collectively? Could it be that our experience and perception of the external world are just outer layers or garments, reflecting how we choose to Be and See from within? Could it be that our perceived lack in the physical realm is intended to allow others the opportunity to help complete us? And that what we have been blessed with in excess of our needs is meant to be shared with those who have less? In this way, we are all doctors and patients in one form or another, using the giver-receiver relationship to grow and draw closer to our Creator through serving each other and improving our relationships in righteousness.

How can we become more compassionate?

It's simple to suggest becoming more compassionate, but how does one actually achieve this? Do we 'learn' compassion through experiencing life's pain, struggle, and hardship, or is it an inherent trait we possess from birth that needs to be uncovered? Or is compassion perhaps a 'choice'? What has enabled me to feel more compassion for my patients? Can I enhance my capacity to feel and express compassion? How do I see myself in others and others in myself? The truth is, I can choose to relate to others' experiences as much as possible based on my own past experiences, but unless I have felt similar loss, pain, and suffering as a patient, how can I truly empathize and feel compassion for another person? Perhaps this understanding can help us accept the higher purpose of human suffering, pain, loss, hardship, and struggles—to teach us greater compassion and bring us together. Once we perceive our unity within diversity, we can move closer to experiencing the joy of loving our Creator with all our heart, mind, and soul, and loving others as ourselves. However, to meet others' needs, we must also care for ourselves. How can we love others as ourselves if we can't even love ourselves? To love ourselves, we must have compassion for ourselves, even for our human imperfections.

In my view, all positive and negative human traits inherent in each of us must coexist for us to possess 'free will.' In reality, everything, including pain and suffering, contains hidden wisdom and thus a Higher Purpose. It is up to humanity to uncover the hidden wisdom and compassion within it all. We can enhance our awareness of compassion by living a human life where we have free will, make mistakes, face personal loss, hardship, and struggle. By reflecting on our negative experiences, extracting wisdom from them, and applying empathy and compassion to our current relationships, we learn not to inflict on others what causes us pain. We treat others how we wish to be treated, loving for others what we love for ourselves. We discover and reveal our compassion by suffering together and then helping each other using our unique blessings, gifts, and talents.


My belief is that everything is composed of compassion because everything is composed of truth. Truth is the word 'Be,' where something is created from nothing. Without truth, nothing would exist. Revealing compassion in its true form is the Higher Purpose of the Human Being. The issue is not a lack of compassion within humans but rather a blockage in our perception and ability to recognize it within ourselves and others, our reluctance to acknowledge its Source, and to connect to it so that it can flow through us abundantly. This blockage thickens when we stop seeking Higher Truth and the greater Good in everything, using our free will to serve the lower self instead of the higher self. The lower self encourages us to feel and reveal false ego, whereas our higher self invites us to paths of truth, peace, justice, and unconditional love, making us more selfless and less selfish. Our compassion is hidden within the breath and cell of every human being. It is up to us to be willing to seek, find, and reveal it. I challenge our hearts and minds to try to see the Source of compassion in everything and to believe it exists, even if we do not yet see or feel it. The more we work on purifying our own garments of free will, thought, speech, and behaviour, and perceive our connection to our Breath of Life, the more we too will be able to breathe this breath of life (by the permission of our Creator) into physical existence to raise the dead, heal the sick, and cure the blind.


When we can see compassion in everything, we will feel less deprived of it ourselves and become more able to give it to others. Imagine if we could see and reveal the Face of the Most Compassionate wherever we turn. We would have the power to transform curses into blessings, darkness into light, and see the good in one another despite our imperfect outer garments, helping guide others to discover that Light within themselves so they too can shine. I invite us to help one another by sharing our unique blessings, gifts, and talents creatively so that we can all become a doctor for a patient in need, healing through our acts of giving. Let us also openly receive from our fellow humans, granting them the opportunity to heal through giving. Let us peel away, purify, or transform our outer garments so that our bodies can willingly and joyfully reveal the True Beauty of our Soul, allowing us to be who we are truly meant to be. Let’s discover and reveal the Oneness of our Creator, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful, who is hidden deep within the darkness of our souls. Let us seek The Most Compassionate within the soul of our fellow humans and help others discover and reveal it too. Let us see ourselves in others, and others in ourselves, uniting in the Righteousness of our Maker. Because we are all from One Soul, One Body, One Light. Each patient is an opportunity for a doctor to help another person. Each doctor is an opportunity for a patient to get closer to discovering and revealing the doctor within themselves. (Based on current understanding of Lale Tuncer)

What does Abrahamic Scripture teach about 'Compassion?'

Compassion is a central theme in the texts of the Abrahamic faiths, which include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each tradition emphasises the importance of compassion as a fundamental aspect of human interaction and divine expectation.


In the Hebrew Bible, compassion is often linked to God's character, as seen in numerous passages where God shows mercy and kindness to His people. For example, in the book of Exodus, God hears the cries of the Israelites in bondage and responds with compassion, ultimately leading to their liberation.


The teachings of Christ further elaborate on the concept of compassion. The gospels recount numerous instances where Jesus demonstrates compassion towards the marginalised, the sick, and the sinners, urging His followers to do the same. The parable of the Good Samaritan is a poignant illustration of this call to act with compassion towards others, regardless of their background or circumstances.


Similarly, in the Quran, compassion is a significant attribute of Allah, who is described as 'Ar-Rahman' (The Most Compassionate) and 'Ar-Rahim' (The Most Merciful). The Quran frequently encourages believers to embody compassion in their relationships with others, emphasising that acts of kindness and mercy are essential to living a righteous life. Verses throughout the Quran highlight the importance of caring for the needy, forgiving those who wrong us, and showing love and mercy to all of creation.


In summary, the concept of compassion is woven throughout the Abrahamic scriptures, serving as a vital principle that guides the moral and ethical behaviour of adherents. Each faith tradition not only acknowledges the significance of compassion but also calls for its active practice in everyday life, urging followers to reflect the divine compassion they receive in their interactions with others.


Practical Tips to Help You Become More Compassionate

  • Practice Active Listening: One of the most effective ways to show compassion is by truly listening to others. This means giving them your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and refraining from interrupting. By genuinely engaging with what they are saying, you validate their feelings and experiences, which can foster a deeper connection.

  • Engage in Acts of Kindness: Small acts of kindness can make a significant impact on both the giver and the receiver. Whether it’s helping a neighbor with groceries, volunteering at a local shelter, or simply offering a smile to a stranger, these gestures can help cultivate a compassionate mindset. Over time, these acts can become a natural part of your daily routine.

  • Reflect on Your Emotions: Take time to reflect on your feelings and experiences. Journaling can be a helpful tool for this process. By understanding your own emotions better, you can develop greater empathy for others who may be experiencing similar situations. This self-awareness is crucial for fostering compassion.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, as well as those of others. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to respond to situations with compassion rather than reacting impulsively. This practice encourages a non-judgmental awareness that can enhance your empathetic responses.

  • Educate Yourself: Understanding the challenges and struggles faced by different communities can deepen your compassion. Read books, watch documentaries, or attend workshops that focus on social issues. By educating yourself, you gain insights into the lives of others, which can inspire you to act with greater kindness and understanding.

  • Surround Yourself with Compassionate People: The company you keep can significantly influence your mindset. Surrounding yourself with individuals who embody compassion can inspire you to adopt similar values. Engage in discussions that promote empathy and kindness, and share experiences that highlight the importance of compassion in everyday life.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: It’s essential to extend compassion to yourself as well. Acknowledge your own struggles and treat yourself with kindness and understanding. When you practice self-compassion, you are better equipped to show compassion to others. Recognizing that everyone has flaws and faces challenges can help you develop a more forgiving and empathetic attitude.

  • Engage in Community Service: Volunteering for community service projects can provide you with firsthand experience of the challenges faced by others. This exposure can deepen your understanding and empathy, making it easier to connect with those in need. Whether it’s working with the elderly, children, or marginalized groups, community service can be a powerful way to practice compassion in action.

  • Be Patient and Forgiving: Compassion often requires patience and the ability to forgive. Understanding that everyone is on their own journey and may be struggling with their own issues can help you respond with kindness rather than frustration. Practice letting go of grudges and approaching situations with an open heart.

  • Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from friends or family about how you express compassion. They can provide valuable insights into your behavior and suggest areas for improvement. Being open to constructive criticism can help you grow and enhance your compassionate qualities.

By incorporating these practical tips into your daily life, you can gradually develop a more compassionate outlook. Remember that compassion is a skill that can be cultivated over time, and every small step you take contributes to a more empathetic and understanding world.


Some Scripture quotes about Compassion

 ‘In the Name of God, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful.’ Quran

‘And the LORD said, “I will cause all My Goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim My Name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have Mercy on whom I will have Mercy, and I will have Compassion on whom I will have Compassion.’ Exodus 33:19


‘Yet the LORD longs to be Gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you Compassion. For the LORD is a God of Justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!’ Isaiah 30:18


‘They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has Compassion on them will Guide them and lead them beside springs of water.’ Isaiah 49:10


‘Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have Compassion on His afflicted ones.’ Isaiah 49:13


‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My Unfailing Love for you will not be shaken nor My Covenant of Peace be removed,” says the LORD, Who has Compassion on you.’ Isaiah 54:10


‘I will tell of the Kindnesses of the LORD, the Deeds for which He is to be Praised, according to all the LORD has done for us— yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to His Compassion and many Kindnesses.’ Isaiah 63:7


‘As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of Compassion and Mercy.’ James 5:11


‘Have Mercy on me, O God, according to Your Unfailing Love; according to Your Great Compassion blot out my transgressions.’ Psalm 51:1


‘As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has Compassion on those who fear Him.’ Psalm 103:13


‘The LORD is Gracious and Righteous; our God is full of Compassion.’ Psalm 116:5


‘Let Your Compassion come to me that I may Live, for Your Law is my delight.’ Psalm 119:77


‘Your Compassion, LORD, is Great; preserve my life according to Your Laws.’ Psalm 119:156


‘The LORD is Good to all; He has Compassion on all He has Made.’ Psalm 145:9


‘Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of The Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Matthew 9:35-38


‘Praise the LORD, my Soul; all my inmost being, Praise His Holy Name. Praise the LORD, my Soul, and forget not all His Benefits—  Who Forgives all your sins and Heals all your diseases, Who Redeems your Life from the pit and crowns you with Love and Compassion, Who Satisfies your desires with Good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.’ Psalm 103:1-5


‘As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him.  Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, “lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, “lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. “lord,” they answered, “we want our sight.” Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.’ Matthew 20:29-34


'When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” ‘Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.’ Matthew 14:13-21


‘Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.  So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.  “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.  I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’  “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.  For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate. “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on.  ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’  “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’ “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ ”’  Luke 15:11-32


‘He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.’ Proverbs 28:13


‘And the word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.” Zechariah 7:8-10


‘Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.’ Proverbs 4:23


‘Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.’ Proverbs 19:17


‘The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; your Rod and your Staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.’  Psalm 23:1-6



‘Light dawns in the darkness for the upright; he is gracious, merciful, and righteous.’ Psalm 112:4


‘Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the Palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.’ Isaiah 49:15-16


‘Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travellers and beggars and to liberate those in debt and bondage; those who keep up the prayers and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God.’  Quran 2:178


‘Indeed, God enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.’ Quran 16:91


‘And as for those who strive in Our path — We will surely guide them in Our ways. And Indeed, God is with those who are of service to others.’ Quran 29:70


‘Indeed, God is with those who are righteous and those who do good.’  Quran 16:129


 ‘The reward of goodness is nothing but goodness.’ Quran 55:61


‘And good and evil are not alike. Repel evil with that which is best. And lo, he between whom and thyself was enmity will become as though he were a warm friend.  But none is granted it save those who are steadfast; and none is granted it save those who possess a large share of good.’ Quran 41:35-36


‘Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and pardon men; and God loves those who do good.’  Quran 3:135


‘So, because of their breaking their covenant, We have cursed them, and have hardened their hearts. They pervert the words from their proper places and have forgotten a good part of that with which they were exhorted. And thou wilt not cease to discover treachery on their part, except in a few of them. So pardon them and turn away from them. Surely, God loves those who do good.’  Quran 5:14


‘So God rewarded them, for what they said, with Gardens beneath which streams flow. Therein shall they abide; and that is the reward of those who do good.’  Quran 5:86


‘And remember the time when We said: “Enter this village and eat therefrom — wherever you will — plentifully; and enter the gate submissively and say: ‘God! forgive us our sins.’ We shall forgive you your sins and We shall give increase to those who do good.’  Quran 2:59


‘And create not disorder in the earth after it has been set in order, and call upon Him in fear and hope. Surely, the mercy of God is nigh unto those who do good.’   Quran 7:57


‘No blame lies on the weak, nor on the sick, nor on those who find naught to spend, if they are sincere to God and His Messenger. There is no cause of reproach against those who do good deeds; and God is Most Forgiving, Merciful.’  Quran 9:91


‘And thus did We establish Joseph in the land. He dwelt therein wherever he pleased. We bestow Our mercy on whomsoever We please, and We suffer not the reward of the righteous to perish.’ Quran 12:57


‘They said, ‘O exalted one, he has a very aged father, so take one of us in his stead; for we see thee to be of those who do good.’  Quran 12:79


‘They replied, ‘Art thou Joseph?’ He said, ‘Yes, I am Joseph and this is my brother. God has indeed been gracious to us. Verily, whoso is righteous and is steadfast — God will never suffer the reward of the good to be lost.’  Quran 12:91


‘A guidance and a mercy for those who do good.’  Quran 31:4


‘And remember the time when We took a covenant from the children of Israel: ‘You shall worship nothing but God and show kindness to parents and to kindred and orphans and the poor, and speak to men kindly and observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat;’ …’Quran 2:84


‘They ask thee what they shall spend. Say: ‘Whatever of good and abundant wealth you spend should be for parents and near relatives and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do, surely God knows it well.’  Quran 2:216


‘And worship God and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, God loves not the proud and the boastful.’ Quran 4:37


‘Say, ‘Come, I will rehearse to you what your Lord has forbidden: that you associate not anything as partner with Him and that you do good to parents, and that you kill not your children for fear of poverty — it is We Who provide for you and for them — and that you approach not foul deeds, whether open or secret; and that you kill not the life which God has made sacred, save by right. That is what He has enjoined upon you, that you may understand.’    Quran 6:152


‘Our Lord, grant forgiveness to me and to my parents and to the believers on the day when the reckoning will take place.’  Quran 14:42


‘ Thy Lord has commanded, “Worship none but Him, and show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, never say unto them any word expressive of disgust nor reproach them, but address them with excellent speech.’  Quran 17:24


‘And We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; but if they strive to make thee associate that with Me of which thou hast no knowledge, then obey them not. Unto Me is your return, and I shall inform you of what you did.’  Quran 29:9


‘And We have enjoined on man concerning his parents — his mother bears him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning takes two years — ‘Give thanks to Me and to thy parents. Unto Me is the final return.’  Quran 31:15


‘And We have enjoined on man to be good to his parents. His mother bears him with pain, and brings him forth with pain. And the bearing of him and his weaning takes thirty months, till, when he attains his full maturity and reaches the age of forty years, he says, ‘My Lord, grant me the power that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do such good works as may please Thee. And make my seed righteous for me. I do turn to Thee; and, truly, I am of those who submit to Thee.’   Quran 46:16


‘And they ask thee concerning the orphans. Say: ‘Promotion of their welfare is an act of great goodness. And if you intermix with them, they are your brethren. And God knows the mischief-maker from the reformer. And if God had so willed, He would have put you to hardship. Surely, God is Mighty, Wise.’    Quran 2:21


‘And when other relations and orphans and the poor are present at the division of heritage, give them something therefrom and speak to them words of kindness.’  Quran 4:9


‘And they seek of thee the decision of the Law with regard to women. Say, God gives you His decision regarding them. And so does that which is recited to you in the Book concerning the orphan girls whom you give not what is prescribed for them and whom you desire to marry, and concerning the weak among children. And He enjoins you to observe equity towards the orphans. And whatever good you do, surely God knows it well.’  Quran 4:128


 ‘So the orphan, oppress not.’  Quran 93:10

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